Complimentary pot of bath salts given after every treatment and a spritz of beautiful 'Florida Water' for clearing and calming the mind, body and soul.
Adult Foot Reflexology
One Session €80
Four Sessions €300
Eight Sessions €600
Child Foot Reflexology *
One Session €50
Four Sessions €180
Eight Sessions €360
Adult Hand Reflexology (not available at present)
One Session €80
Four Sessions €300
Eight Sessions €600
Adult Reiki (in person) €80-120
Sixty minutes € 80
Ninety minutes €120
Adult Reiki (Distant via videoconsult)
Sixty minutes €80
Ninety minutes €120
Adult Reiki (Distant -to receive while asleep) €40-120
Thirty minutes €40
Sixty minutes €80
Ninety minutes €120
Children's Reiki
In house*/Distant/Distant Sleeping €40
Reiki for an intention or situation € 10
Indian Head Massage € 80
Hopi Ear Candling* € 40-60
With facial massage €60
Without facial massage €40
Reiki (sixty minutes) and Reflexology €150
Reiki (sixty minutes) and Indian Head Massage €150
Reiki (sixty minutes) and Hopi Ear Candling €110 (without massage)
Reiki (sixty minutes) and Hopi Ear Candling €130 (with massage)
Reflexology and Indian Head Massage €150
Reflexology and Hopi Ear Candling €110 (without massage)
Reflexology and Hopi Ear Candling €130 (with massage)
Indian Head Massage and Hopi Ear Candling €110 (without massage)
Indian Head Massage and Hopi Ear Candling €130 (with massage)
First treatments require a consultation form and consent form which must be completed and returned prior to your appointment no less than 48 hours before your appointment (please see T's & C's).
This will be emailed to you upon booking. Please note your treatment will not proceed if forms are incomplete/ completed incorrectly.
48 hour cancellation policy for full refund.
If you wish to pay by cash, please contact Sana Roho, card details will be held but no monies will be taken from your account, however please note the 48 hour cancellation policy applies.
* under 16's must be accompanied and supervised by an adult for all in-house treatments